As the epic of Exodus opens we find Israel in Egypt, centuries after...
Learn the incredible backstory behind the the famous deliverer of...
After living in Midian for 40 years as a fugitive, Moses has a...
As Moses continues to converse with God at the burning bush, it becomes...
Pastor Jeff tackles two challenging sections of Scripture - God's...
God tells Moses that He wants His people set free to worship Him but...
Moses' response to discouragement reveals one of the major reasons God...
As the plagues begin to fall upon Egypt, we see much of ourselves in...
As plagues 5-9 hit Egypt, Pharaoh continues to tempt Moses to...
The Passover Lamb is the Old Testament picture of Jesus. In this study...
As Israel finally leaves Egypt, the Lord institutes two feasts to help...
As the Israelites find themselves find themselves pinned down in an...
God continues teaching Israel (and us) vital lessons about the life of...
God miraculously meets Israel's practical need for water, and then...
Moses finds himself exhausted by the task in front of him. In kindness...
The Book of Exodus shifts gears as the Israelites arrive at Mount...
God gives the Israelites the famous Ten Commandments as timeless moral...
In this message, we dig into the Apostle Paul's masterful explanation...
God opens the Ten Commandments with, “You shall have no other...
We take a look at the heart and meaning behind the 3rd and 4th...
In this study we dig into the heart and meaning behind the 5th and 6th...
The 7th commandment deals with the devastating issue issue of adultery...
The 8th commandment tackles one of the most prevalent evils in our...
The 9th commandment forbids bearing false witness. What does that mean?...
As the Ten Commandments draw to a close, they conclude in a unique way...
As we rejoin our study on the Book of Exodus, Pastor Jeff reminds us of...
As we prepare to study a section of Exodus known as "The Book of the...
Pastor BJ discusses the controversial issue of slavery in the Bible...
As the Book of the Covenant moves to deal with 4 capital offences, we...
Continuing through the Book of Covenant, we come across the issue of...
Through the Book of the Covenant, God continues to reveal His character...
As we wrap up our study of the Book of the Covenant, God continues to...
In God's plans for Israel, we find much encouragement and insight into...
"Covenant" is not a word normally used in our everyday lives. We may...
As the Lord instructs Moses to build Him the Tabernacle, we learn some...
The Lord begins His instructions for building the Tabernacle by sharing...
Sometimes we need to get back to basics. In this study, we'll look at...
The New Testament tells us that the Tabernacle was a "picture" of...
The Lord's instructions for the Tabernacle continue, as He gives...
As God continues instructing Moses on the construction of the...
The infamous "Golden Calf Incident" is shocking and puzzling. Perhaps...
After looking at Aaron and his role in the golden calf incident in our...
As Moses steps into the role of mediator between God and the...
When Moses comes down from Mount Sinai the second time, his face is...
Much of the final chapters of Exodus is a repeat of earlier chapters...