Recommended Resources

These are resources we recommend for any believer looking to grow in their biblical understanding of a specific subject.

Bible Commentaries:

*We do not agree with every doctrinal position or life choice of the authors of these commentaries. These commentaries together form a pool of resources BJ and Jeff have found useful in their studies.

"The MacArthur New Testament Commentary"

"The Bible Knowledge Commentary"

"The Pillar New Testament Commentary"

"The New International Greek Testament Commentary"

"Jon Courson's Application Commentary"

Michael S. Heiser's books and "The Naked Bible Podcast"

Commentaries by Donald Barnhouse, F.F. Bruce, H.A. Ironside, and Craig Keener.

"To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain" by Matt Chandler
*A commentary on the Epistle to the Philippians

Apologetics (the defense of the Christian faith with facts, logic, and reason):

"The Story of Reality" by Greg Koukl

"The Reason for God"
by Timothy Keller

"I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist" by Frank Turek and Norm Geisler

"Cold-Case Christianity," "God's Crime Scene," and "Person of Interest" by J. Warner Wallace


"The Chronicles of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis
*Wonderful to read to children aged six or older or for adults

Christian Living:

"Gentle and Lowly" by Dane C. Ortland

"Slave" by John MacArthur

Church Membership:

"The Church and the Surprising Offense of God's Love" by Jonathan Leeman

Creation (how the world was made):

"Seven Days That Divide the World" by John C. Lennox

Daily Devotions:

"New Morning Mercies" by Paul David Tripp

"The Bible from 30,000 Feet" by Skip Heitzig

Ecclesiology (the theology of leadership in the Church):

"Biblical Eldership" by Alexander Strauch

Gender Roles:

"Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood" by John Piper and Wayne Grudem
*This is a thorough academic examination of the subject (it's a thick book)

Mike Winger's Bible Thinker "Women in Ministry" series


"Marriage: 6 Gospel Commitments Every Couple Needs to Make" by Paul David Tripp

"The Meaning of Marriage" by Timothy Keller

Soteriology (the theology of salvation):

"The Explicit Gospel" by Matt Chandler

"The Potter's Promise" by Leighton Flowers
*This book answers the most prominent claims of Calvinism/Reformed theology.

"What is the Gospel?" by Greg Gilbert